Greenwich Eye Care Location

(203) 698-5049

Pro Eye Care Location

(203) 202-0202

Does Your Child Need Glasses?

Many children have a vision prescription that requires them to wear glasses. Vision problems like myopia (nearsightedness) are common in children, and it's important to correct their vision with glasses. When you need an eye doctor of pediatrics, call our office in Old Greenwich, CT, and make your child's appointment with the optometrist. Kids need to see the optometrist at least once a year. Read below to see how Greenwich Eye Care can assist you.


If your child needs glasses, there are several symptoms that they may exhibit. For example, if you notice your child is squinting to see something, this can signal that they need corrective lenses. Squinting means they have a vision condition that can affect their ability to focus. Squinting can help temporarily, so watch for any squinting.

Kids may get pain in their eyes and headaches when they need a vision prescription. Kids may tilt their heads, close one eye, or cover one to see better. This behavior sometimes means a lazy eye is present in your child. As a result, kids may have trouble seeing, get eye fatigue or strain, and rub their eyes often to relieve the feeling.

Loss of Focus

Needing glasses often means that a child's grades will start to slip. Children need help to see the classroom and may need to catch up on noteworthy information on the board. Your child may also keep their electronic devices close to their face, so they can see them better. They may have a harder time concentrating at school because of their poor vision. If you notice any symptoms of vision problems in your child, they need to see a pediatric eye doctor for an eye exam.

Visit Our Optometrist

If your child needs glasses, it will be something they will have to get used to, but it will help them in many ways. With the help of Greenwich Eye Care, these bothersome symptoms will be gone with the correct prescription glasses. When you need an eye doctor, call our Old Greenwich, CT, office to schedule an eye exam for your child. Contact us at (203) 698-5049 to schedule an appointment.

Many children have a vision prescription that requires them to wear glasses. Vision problems like myopia (nearsightedness) are common in children, and it's important to correct their vision with glasses. When you need an eye doctor of pediatrics, call our office in Old Greenwich, CT, and make your child's appointment with the optometrist. Kids need to see the optometrist at least once a year. Read below to see how Greenwich Eye Care can assist you.


If your child needs glasses, there are several symptoms that they may exhibit. For example, if you notice your child is squinting to see something, this can signal that they need corrective lenses. Squinting means they have a vision condition that can affect their ability to focus. Squinting can help temporarily, so watch for any squinting.

Kids may get pain in their eyes and headaches when they need a vision prescription. Kids may tilt their heads, close one eye, or cover one to see better. This behavior sometimes means a lazy eye is present in your child. As a result, kids may have trouble seeing, get eye fatigue or strain, and rub their eyes often to relieve the feeling.

Loss of Focus

Needing glasses often means that a child's grades will start to slip. Children need help to see the classroom and may need to catch up on noteworthy information on the board. Your child may also keep their electronic devices close to their face, so they can see them better. They may have a harder time concentrating at school because of their poor vision. If you notice any symptoms of vision problems in your child, they need to see a pediatric eye doctor for an eye exam.

Visit Our Optometrist

If your child needs glasses, it will be something they will have to get used to, but it will help them in many ways. With the help of Greenwich Eye Care, these bothersome symptoms will be gone with the correct prescription glasses. When you need an eye doctor, call our Old Greenwich, CT, office to schedule an eye exam for your child. Contact us at (203) 698-5049 to schedule an appointment.

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Hours of Operation

Early or Late Appointments Available by Request


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


10:00 am - 2:00 pm

